Friday, April 9, 2010

Emphasis on the fact that Dr. Burns is amazing!

Typically, the second Friday of the Equine Ambulatory rotation is when you get your grades. You're called in, one at a time, and the clinicians and interns give you your evaluation. That didn't happen today. Drs. Gallatin and Schmall decided not to come in today, so our grades will be posted on "one45" (a complex system the university pays for us to use) on Monday. I'm a little bummed that we didn't get the feedback, but will check my grade Monday to see how I fared.

Two of the students on my rotation went home after we played Jeopardy (which, by the way, my team won - yay!) because there were no calls. Dr. Burns squeezed four of us into her truck to go visit an acute lameness in a 17 year old Standardbred mare. We were able to locate the abscess, and begin the draining process to make her feel better. We applied MagnaPaste and wrapped the foot, with instructions to keep her inside with stall rest for 48 hours. She should be feeling better soon!

It's now noon, and I'm done for the day - and for the weekend! I am heading to the lake with Erin and the dogs! :) :) :)

Rotation #1: COMPLETE!

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