Sunday, April 18, 2010

tired, but happy! i love owners!

I worked from 8am-8pm today... technically I was at the hospital about 13 hours, but who's counting?

For the first time, I worked with an owner today! Oh, she was so sweet! She brought us a brunch cake, strawberries, and grapes - and she just adores her horses. She has a mare in the hospital right now for a rectal tear, and she and the mare are both just the sweetest. I worked with her horse as much as possible today, partially because I enjoyed working with the woman so much and partially because I adored her little mare. I braided a horse tail today for the first time, and I must say it looked pretty darn good!

We stayed plenty busy all day, even without any emergencies coming in. The girls overnight last night had a bit of a crazy and hectic night complete with colic surgery on a gelding that arrested! After about 7 minutes of trying everything they could think of, they horse's heart started beating on it's own again and about 20 min later it started breathing on its own! He looked great today, and I was pretty glad to see that he was feeling better throughout the day.

It was a good day, overall. I just love the equine vets at the hospital - some of the techs are equally as wonderful to work with. I think I'm really going to miss working with horses...

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